This function opens a dialog window for the user to select the variables to be used when identifying exclusions.

Figure: Dialog to select your rate settings

Select your desired variables and the exclusion criterion for each.

  • Click Next to continue to the next step.

  • Click Cancel to end GAT.

  • Click Back to return to the previous step.

  • Click Help to get further guidance and open this manual.

inputGATexclusions(shp, step = 0, exclist = NULL, backopt = TRUE)



Spatial layer.


Integer step in the GAT program, for help reference.


The list of exclusion criteria, if pre-defined.


Boolean denoting whether to include the back button.


Change the limitdenom option from FALSE to TRUE in step 9 (requesting rate calculation information) in runGATprogram if you want to allow only denominators with finite, non-zero values.

This function is very basic and can only handle numeric variables, so if you need to exclude based on a character variable, such as county name, you will need to create a numeric flag variable to use in this step.

If you have more than three exclusion criteria, you will need to create a composite flag variable that you can use in this step.

This function returns a list with the following nine elements:

  • The names of the three variables to use when determining exclusions.

  • The mathematical operators to use when calculating exclusions. Options are "equals", "less than", and "greater than".

  • The values to use in the exclusion calculations.


if (interactive()) {
inputGATexclusions(shp = hftown)
#> $var1
#> [1] "cancel"
#> $math1
#> [1] "equals"
#> $val1
#> [1] 0
#> $var2
#> [1] "cancel"
#> $math2
#> [1] "equals"
#> $val2
#> [1] 0
#> $var3
#> [1] "cancel"
#> $math3
#> [1] "equals"
#> $val3
#> [1] 0