
These errors and warnings are related to installation of the Geographic Aggregation Tool (GAT).

I got an error about XML when I tried to install GAT

On Windows, run install.packages("", type = "binary", repos = NULL) to install the XML package. 3.99-0.5 is the latest XML version as of August 2020.

There is an issue with the package installation

Usually, the issue is that vignettes fail to install. To fix this, try one of these solutions.

  1. If installing from the zipped file, uninstall gatpkg, restart R, and reinstall gatpkg.
  2. If installing from GitHub, run this code:

devtools::install_github(“ajstamm/gatpkg”, dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = TRUE)

I’m missing library permissions

This message appears in the R console:

Error in maptools::unionSpatialPolygons(myshps$original, aggvars$Idlist) :
isTRUE(gpclibPermitStatus()) is not TRUE

This error appears due to a conflict between the packages rgeos and rgdal. Reinstall rgdal after each update of rgeos to fix it.

Both rgeos and rgdal have been removed as of v2.0.0, so this should no longer be an issue.

User input

These errors and warnings are related to the user input portion of GAT.

On step 3 in the confirm GAT settings dialog, all of my areas are excluded

The areas are not excluded, but an incorrect number of areas is displayed. If you rerun GAT and read in the settings from this run using the “settings=” option, the correct value will be shown in the confirmation dialog.

This should be fixed as of v1.61.0.

I’m not seeing the dialog boxes

The dialog boxes may be hidden beneath other windows. Close or minimize extraneous windows or check the taskbar for an icon that looks like a thin quill/feather.

Running GAT

These errors and warnings may occur while GAT is processing your shapefile.

GAT ran, but my shapefiles wouldn’t save and GAT crashed

GAT occasionally has trouble getting permission to write to network drives. Try saving to your local computer, then transferring the files.

Output files are not saved

This message appears in the R console:

Error in writeOGR(newmapwdata, userpathout, userfileout, driver = “ESRI Shapefile”, :
GDAL Error 4: Failed to open shapefile C:/aggtest/output/testin.shp.
It may be corrupt or read-only file accessed in update mode.

Be sure to enter a valid file name in the save dialog. Remove all files with extensions only (such as “.shp”, “.dbf”, “.prj”) from the directory you are trying to save to.

GAT is very slow

The progress bars were designed to help you determine whether GAT has stalled. Using population weighted centroids, merging shapefiles with thousands of polygons, and saving KML files can also cause GAT to run slowly, so allow a few minutes for each of these steps. For any steps besides saving files and population weighting, if a progress bar is not updating at least once a minute, it is possible GAT has stalled and you will need to restart R.

Try reducing the number of geographical boundary nodes (by thinning or simplifying polygons: see Thinning geographic boundaries in the GAT technical notes).

Warning for classInt

This message appears in the R console:

In classInt::classIntervals(newdata, n = breaks, style = “fixed”, :
n greater than number of different finite valuesreset to number of different finite values

This warning appears when the number of polygons or individual values matches or is less than the number of categories in the choropleth maps. The maps will still be drawn accurately.

Warning for st_centroid

One or both of these messages appears in the R console:

st_centroid assumes attributes are constant over geometries of x

st_centroid does not give correct centroids for longitude/latitude data

These warnings may appear when you first install gatpkg or if you use the population weighting option in GAT. They are not errors and the centroids will still write correctly, assuming you are using appropriate coordinate systems.

This should be addressed as of v2.0.0.

Output files

These errors and warnings are related to files produced by GAT.

Variable names in my aggregated dataset are truncated

This appears to be an issue with the DBF driver used by the foreign package. The driver identifies at least one variable name that it interprets as too long (over 10 characters), but truncates several variable names, not just the offender. The data otherwise still write correctly. This should be fixed as of v1.61.0.

When I import my shapefile into my GIS program, a blank map appears

When importing a shapefile, be sure that the same projection is selected in the GIS program as in the original shapefile. The shapefile’s projection information is included in the log file generated by GAT.

No KML file is produced

Make sure to select that you want a KML file. Check the log file generated by GAT to confirm that you requested one. Wait for the “NYS Geographic Aggregation Tool is finished” message to display before closing the windows/pop-ups generated by GAT.

Data do not appear in Google Earth

When I click on a region in Google Earth, the data do not appear in the description callout. The data may not appear in Google Earth 4.x, so use Google Earth 5.0 or greater. Try clicking on the area’s link in the left sidebar to see the data.

The legend scales for my before and after maps don’t match

This issue occurs if there are too few polygons in the map. If the total number of polygons is less than 2 plus the number of categories (default is 7), the code that assigns the categories will force the scale to be redefined. To fix this issue, use a smaller minimum value, use a map with more polygons, or redefine the number of categories.

This should be fixed as of v2.0.0.

Warning for large numbers not writing correctly

A message like this appears in the R console:

In CPL_write_ogr(obj, dsn, layer, driver, as.character(dataset_options), … : GDAL Message 1: Value 199678888 of field ALAND of feature 40 not successfully written.

This warning occurs when there are numeric fields with very large values, such as square meters of land or water areas. In testing, the output values matched the input values. You can verify this yourself by checking the original DBF file against the crosswalk. To avoid this warning, set large number fields to character or remove them from your DBF before running GAT.

My aggregation log did not write or did not write correctly

This appears to occur randomly.

If you do not see your log file, check that you have extensions showing in your file manager, as “.log” may be hidden otherwise. If you still do not see the file, you can try two things.

  1. Restart R and rerun your aggregation.
  2. Rerun the function writeGATlog() by using settingsfile = followed by the full file path to your “*settings.Rdata” file produced by GAT.

If your log wrote incorrectly, rerun writeGATlog() as described above.