This function runs GAT and does not require any inputs. The pop-up dialogs it creates guide the user to define all parameters. For step by step details on how GAT works, browse the package vignettes, especially the GAT manual, which you can access via vignette("gat_tutorial", package = "gatpkg").

  limitdenom = FALSE,
  pwrepeat = FALSE,
  settings = NULL,
  adjacent = TRUE,
  minfirst = FALSE,
  closemap = FALSE



A boolean denoting whether to force denominators in rates and merge ratios to contain only non-zero values.


A boolean denoting whether population weighting (if used) should be recalculated each time two areas are merged (TRUE) or if area centroids should be weighted with area populations (FALSE). If population weighting is not used, this option is ignored. If population weighting is used, a polygon shapefile containing population is needed.


The filepath to an Rdata file previously created by GAT.


A boolean denoting whether to force GAT to merge only adjacent areas.


A boolean denoting whether or not to select the most desirable neighbor only from among the neighbors that have values below the desired minimum. If no neighbors are below the desired minimum, the most desirable of all eligible neighbors is selected.


A boolean to denote whether to close the map windows after the maps are drawn and saved. The default setting is TRUE and will result in maps remaining open after GAT is finished running. Maps are saved to PDF irrespective of this setting.


For more information on how the different merge options work, see "How GAT identifies areas to merge" in the vignette("gat_tech_notes", package = "gatpkg").


if (interactive()) {
# this code will run the default version of GAT