This function opens a dialog window for the user to select whether or not to save a KML file. The dialog window looks like this.

Figure: Screenshot of dialog to select KML save.png

Select "Yes" if you want to save a KML file. The default selection is "No".

Click on one of the following buttons.

  • Click Yes if you would like to save a KML file.

  • Click No if you do not want to save a KML file.

  • Click Back to return to the previous step.

  • Click Help to get further guidance and open the manual.

saveGATkml(step = 0, backopt = TRUE)



Integer step in the GAT program, for help reference.


Boolean denoting whether to include the back button.


The resulting KML fie will contain all data, which can be accessed through Google Earth. GE 5.0 or higher is recommended. KML files were tested on GE in Chrome v9.2.90.1.


if (interactive()) {
#> [1] "cancel"