This function opens a dialog window for the user to select which identifying variable in the shapefile should be used to label the polygons for aggregation. The dialog window looks like this.

Figure: Dialog to select your identifier variable

Click on your desired identifier in the drop-down list. Then click on one of the following buttons.

  • Click Next to continue to the next step.

  • Click Cancel to end GAT.

  • Click Back to return to the previous step.

  • Click Help to get further guidance and open this manual.

identifyGATid(shp, step = 2, backopt = TRUE)



Spatial layer.


Integer step in the GAT program, for help reference.


Boolean denoting whether to include the back button.


This variable will be duplicated and modified by the aggregation to provide new identifiers for newly created polygons. Any unmerged polygons will retain their original identifiers.


if (interactive()) {
# identify the character variable to use as the ID
identifyGATid(shp = hftown)
#> [1] "cancel"